
Prayer Support and Counseling

Affirmative Prayer is one of Unity’s most transformative spiritual practices.  What makes Affirmative Prayer so unique is that we don’t pray to change or affect God – rather, we pray to change ourselves, consciously shifting away from the noise and concerns of our day-to-day lives so that we may align with our true divine self.  We pray to awaken our awareness of our divine nature and the divine nature of everything that is life.

Let us pray with you.

We affirm the truth of your being so that even in the presence of hatred you can know love; even when situations suggest lack you can know prosperity; and even when you experience health challenges, you can know wholeness and healing.

We offer sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality.  All requests are held in prayer for 30 days, and then forwarded to Silent Unity, where they are held in prayer for an additional 30 days.

Unity In Marin Spiritual Counselors are available for individual consultation to support you in dissolving barriers, healing old wounds, and revealing answers through inner wisdom and guidance.  Please call Barbara Cochran at (415) 895-5871 to discuss your needs and to make an appointment with a counselor.  There is a suggested fee for this service.  However, for all Unity sponsored programs, no one is ever turned away for lack of funds.

Silent Unity is available 24/7, ready to offer you free, confidential prayer support whenever you want it.  Call 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729) to speak with a prayer counselor.