Donate to Our Ministry
Thank you for giving to Unity In Marin!
Federal EIN Number: 94-6172989
Three Easy Ways to Give
Click on an option to donate once, set up recurrent giving, or pay for classes, events, or service sponsorship.
You can also give us a check in person or mail it to:
Unity In Marin
600 Palm Drive
Novato, CA 94949
Recurring Gifts: Faith In Action
UIM is self-supported through the generous donations of its members and those who resonate with our message of love and possibility. When you make a pledge to Faith In Action, your vital recurring financial support enables UIM to plan, budget, and further our vision of a world that works for everyone.
Join Faith In Action today!

Why We Give
At Unity In Marin, giving is a joyful spiritual practice. When we give, we intentionally choose to live into the understanding that true abundance is everywhere, and always available to us. Giving generously allows us to prioritize the value of our spiritual journey and opens us to a joyful and abundant life. When we give generously and with an open heart, we bless not only ourselves, we also bless our community and the world.
The spirit of generosity feeds the part of our soul that longs to be connected and feel supported. Generosity creates bonds that weave together the fabric of a community that transcends self-interest. It is in these bonds that we enjoy deeper connections and a greater sense of certainty. As we cherish our community, as we share our gifts generously, we consciously cultivate a community in which everyone thrives.
Conscious Giving
Unity In Marin is entirely supported by the donations of those who attend our services, classes, workshops, Faith In Action, and other events, or those who tithe.
There are many ways to give, from volunteering your time or talent, to tax deductible monetary contributions. All gifts are welcome and deeply appreciated.

Types of Gifts

Love Offerings
Giving where you receive your spiritual nourishment is a way to bring prosperity into your life.

Hospitality and Flowers Funds
This is a weekly opportunity to honor or sponsor a special person or event.

Recurring Faith In Action
Donating here allows Unity In Marin to use the funds where they are needed most.
Planned Giving
There are many ways to make a planned gift, the promise of future financial gifts, to help build long term prosperity. These can include charitable gifts of life insurance, IRA accounts, real estate, stock gifts, Wills and Trusts, and other retirement assets.
Donors are advised to consult with their legal, tax, and estate planning professionals before making bequests to Unity In Marin. For any questions, please email Rev. DeeAnn Weir Morency, Senior Minister, at [email protected].
Giving from your IRA (RMD)
Direct gifts to Unity In Marin from your IRA can:
- Be an easy and convenient way to make a gift from one of your major assets.
- Be excluded from your gross income: a tax-free rollover.
- Count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD), which, under the SECURE act, begins at the age of 72.
For your gift to qualify:
- You must be 70 1/2 or older at the time of your gift.
- The transfer must go directly from your IRA to us.
- Your total IRA gift(s) cannot exceed $100,000.
- Your gift must be outright.
Gifts of Stock
Gifts of stock are a wonderful way to give and bless our spiritual community. At Unity In Marin, we have an easy process in place to accomplish that! Please click the button below to email Rev. DeeAnn with any questions at any point.
Here are some other types of legacy giving:
Wills and Living Trusts
Please consider a gift to Unity In Marin in your will or living trust. This is called a charitable bequest and takes place after your passing. It’s simple to add to your will or trust, and you can structure it as you wish – for example, a percentage of your estate, a specific item or amount of money, or even contingent upon certain events. If you would like to give to Unity In Marin in this manner, please email Rev. DeeAnn.
Retirement Assets
There are many tax advantages and numerous ways to consider gifting retirement assets to Unity In Marin. They might include designating Unity In Marin as the primary beneficiary for a percentage (1 to 100%) of your plan assets, or designating a specific amount to Unity In Marin before the remainder is divided among your family beneficiaries. Let us know how we can help you by emailing Rev. DeeAnn.